Tech Bulletin: ADVANCED NetWare -- IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2 NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: ADVANCED NetWare -- IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2 DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.180 DATE: 5/22/87 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT VERSION: SFT and Advanced NetWare SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM What follows is a complete description of how the new IBM Personal System/2 (PS/2) machines and new network adapter boards will be integrated into a Novell SFT/Advanced NetWare network. New IBM Product Line The Personal System/2 line of machines consists of the following: Name RAM Processor Bus Structure Slots Model 30 640K 8086,8MHz Standard PC 8-bit 3 Model 50 1024K 80286,10MHz Micro channel 3 Model 60 1024K 80286,10MHz Micro channel 7 Model 80 1024/2048K 80386,16/20MHz Micro channel 7 The new network adapter boards are: Name Bus Structure Cabling PCN II Standard PC 8-bit Broadband PCN II/A Micro channel Broadband PCN Baseband Adapter Standard PC 8-bit Twisted Pair PCN Baseband Adapter/A Micro channel Twisted Pair TRN II/A Micro channel Twisted Pair Also released with these machines was DOS version 3.30. USE OF THE NEW IBM PRODUCTS Support for the new IBM products is not included in any released version of Advanced or SFT NetWare. Two kits are available immediately which allow all of the released IBM products (this excludes the Model 80 because it is not yet available) to be used in Novell networks. However, the new computers can presently be used only as workstations. Since all of the PS/2 machines use 3-1/2" floppy diskettes, all software will need to be on 3-1/2" diskettes. One of the two kits is on a 3-1/2" diskette, the other on a 5-1/4" diskette. The diskettes' part numbers and descriptions are as follows: NetWare Workstation Software Kit 5.25" Format 883-000256-001 NetWare Workstation Software Kit 3.5" Format 883-000256-002 These kits contain in particular: File Name Size Date Time Description ANET3.OBJ 66526 5-12-87 3:20p DOS 3.30 support PCN2/SHELLDRV.OBJ 6462 5-06-87 2:29P Shell driver for all NEW PCN adapters PCN2/?COMDRV.OBJ 5017 5-07-87 5:12p OS drivers for PCN II and PCN Baseband adapters ANET3.OBJ. This new shell object file has changes which provide support for DOS 3.30 (see DOS 3.30 under Points of Caution below). To differentiate between this object and previous ones, the new ANET3.OBJ has been given the version number 2.01. In this 2.01 shell IPX has been enhanced with the addition of a new entry mechanism; therefore, some restrictions on usage do exist (see Non-dedicated Server and Bridge under Points of Caution below). Model 30. Because the Model 30 has a standard PC-compatible bus, it can be used as a workstation with any existing network adapter currently supported by NetWare. Because of the 8-bit PC bus structure of the NEW adapters only the PCN II and PCN Baseband adapters can be used in the Model 30. The only new file required to use the Model 30 as a workstation is the ANET3.OBJ to provide support for DOS 3.30. However, if a new PCN II or PCN Baseband adapter is used the new PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ is also necessary. Support for the Model 30 as a file server will be included in the 2.1 release of Advanced NetWare 86; which is scheduled for the 4th Quarter of 1987. Model 50. The Model 50 can use only the new PCN II/A, PCN Baseband /A, and TRN II/A adapters because of its micro-channel bus structure. The NetWare files necessary for using the Model 50 as a workstation are the ANET3.OBJ and the respective shell driver for the LAN adapter board being used. If the PCN II/A or PCN Baseband /A adapter is used the new PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ is necessary. If the TRN II/A adapter is used the TRN SHELLDRV.OBJ from any 2.0a release will suffice (see notes on TOKREUI.COM under TRN II/A below). Because the Model 50 uses DOS 3.30, the SHELLDRV.OBJ must be linked with the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ. Support for the Model 50 as a file server will be included in all 2.1 releases and in the forthcoming Advanced NetWare 286 2.0a for PS/2 release scheduled for June. Model 60. Usage of and support for the Model 60 is the same as for the Model 50. Model 80. The Model 80 will be supported fully as a file server and workstation when it is released. IBM's published release date is July 1987. PCN II and PCN Baseband Adapters. These two adapters fit in a standard PC-compatible bus expansion slot. They can therefore be used in any machine with the standard PC bus. Only the PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ is required to use these adapters; however, if DOS 3.30 is used then the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ will also be necessary. The new operating system drivers (ACOMDRV.OBJ, BCOMDRV.OBJ, CCOMDRV.OBJ, and DCOMDRV.OBJ) allow either of these adapters to be used in any PC-bus file server with any 2.0a version of NetWare. This does include Advanced NetWare ND286. However, the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ and hence DOS 3.30 cannot be used in any non-dedicated server (see Points of Caution below); therefore, if using ND286, the 2.0a (2.0a++) ANET3.OBJ must be used. The configuration options for the new PCN II and PCN Baseband adapters are: IRQ I/O MEMORY Option 0 2 620-627 CC000-CDFFF Option 1 3 620-627 CC000-CDFFF Option 2 2 620-627 DC000-DDFFF Option 3 3 620-627 DC000-DDFFF Option 4 2 628-62F CC000-CDFFF Option 5 3 628-62F CC000-CDFFF Option 6 2 628-62F DC000-DDFFF Option 7 3 628-62F DC000-DDFFF Where the Option number is as listed in the operating system drivers and the configurations are selected by the following jumper pin settings (see Figure 1 for location of jumper blocks): Jumper Block # Pins to Jumper IRQ 2 W1 1-2 IRQ 3 W1 2-3 I/O 620 W4 1-2 I/O 628 W4 2-3 MEM CC000 W5 1-2 MEM DC000 W5 2-3 An additional feature of the new PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ is that the driver will automatically use whichever configuration option the board is set at. This means that more than one configuration is available when used in a workstation. Note that the IBM or Sytek PCN adapter must use the 2.0a PCN SHELLDRV.OBJ. PCN II/A Adapter and PCN Baseband Adapter/A. These two adapters are for use only with the micro-channel bus structure. Along with the TRN II/A they are currently the only network adapter boards that can be used in a Model 50, Model 60, or Model 80. Because DOS 3.30 is required for these machines, the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ is necessary. To use either of these boards the new PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ is needed. The configuration options for the new PCN II/A and PCN Baseband /A adapters are: IRQ I/O MEMORY Option 8 2 620-627 CE000-CFFFF Option 9 2 620-627 D6000-D7FFF Option 10 2 620-627 DE000-DFFFF Option 11 3 620-627 CE000-CFFFF Option 12 3 620-627 D6000-D7FFF Option 13 3 620-627 DE000-DFFFF Option 14 2 628-62F CE000-CFFFF Option 15 2 628-62F D6000-D7FFF Option 16 2 628-62F DE000-DFFFF Option 17 3 628-62F CE000-CFFFF Option 18 3 628-62F D6000-D7FFF Option 19 3 628-62F DE000-DFFFF The options listed are as in the OS drivers. Note that the default configuration option is for the PCN II or PCN Baseband adapter (Option 0 listed above). However, since these adapters can only be used in a Model 50, Model 60, or Model 80 and since these machines are not currently supported as file servers, the actual option number (e.g., Option 8) has no meaning. The options are included in the driver in preparation for the release of 2.0a for PS/2 since this driver will be the same. Selecting the configuration when using the PCN II/A or PCN Baseband /A adapter is different than when using the PCN II or PCN Baseband adapter. There are no jumpers or switch blocks on the PCN II/A and PCN Baseband /A adapters. The IRQ, I/O, and MEMORY options are set by software and stored in the CMOS of the Model 50, Model 60, and Model 80. To set the adapter at a specific configuration the machine must be booted with the Reference Diskette supplied with the machine. Under the Set Configuration option, the different settings can be selected until the desired configuration is set. Note that when running the Set Configuration option on the Reference Diskette, I/O 620 is referred to as Primary and I/O 628 is referred to as Alternate. MEMORY is referenced as Mem 1 (CE000), Mem 2 (D6000), or Mem 3 (DE000). As mentioned above, the PCN2 SHELLDRV.OBJ will use whichever configuration the board is set for. TRN II/A. The Token Ring II/A adapter does not require a new SHELLDRV.OBJ. However, because the new Models 50, 60, and 80 all use DOS 3.30, the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ must be used when linking the workstation shell. The configuration option for the TRN II/A adapter is set and stored in the CMOS in the same manner as are the PCN II/A and PCN Baseband /A configuration options. However, the configuration and diagnostic files for the TRN II/A adapter are not on the Reference Diskette. They are on the Option Diskette which comes with the TRN II/A adapter. These files must be copied onto a copy of the Reference Diskette and the copy then used to configure the adapter and the Model 50, 60, or 80. Note that when running the Reference Diskette Set Configuration option several different settings will be shown for the TRN II/A configuration. These must be set to match the NetWare Token Ring shell configuration. Those settings are: IRQ 2 Primary (A20) ROM Address CC000 RAM Address D8000 After setting the configuration as above and saving that in the CMOS of the machine, the NetWare Token Ring shell can be generated with the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ and used as normal with the following exception. TOKREUI.COM cannot be used with the TRN II/A adapter. Instead, the user must run a new program available from IBM. The new program is called the LAN Support Program. It contains several drivers for different adapters, including the TRN II/A. This program alters a boot diskette by creating a CONFIG.SYS file and copying the appropriate drivers onto the boot diskette. When the Model 50, Model 60, or Model 80 with the TRN II/A adapter is booted with the altered boot diskette, the necessary drivers are loaded. The NetWare TRN shell uses those drivers to communicate with the TRN II/A board as opposed to communicating through TOKREUI. Note that TOKREUI.COM is still required for the old TRN and TRN II adapters and that only these older adapters can be used in a Model 30. POINTS OF CAUTION Boot Proms. No remote boot proms will be available for any of the new adapters until the 2.1 release. Non-Dedicated Server and Bridge. Because of the IPX enhancements to the ANET3.OBJ mentioned above, the new 2.01 shell cannot be used when running a non-dedicated file server or external bridge. This means that DOS 3.30 cannot be used in either non-dedicated function. Therefore, none of the new machines can be used as NON-DEDICATED external bridges. This problem will be fixed the 2.0a for PS/2 release. PCN II and PCN Baseband Adapters in Bridges. Jumper block W7 on the PCN II and PCN Baseband adapters is used to enable or disable the ROM. The ROM is decoded at memory segment D0000 to D7FFF. If a PCN II or PCN Baseband Adapter is being used in the same file server or external bridge with an additional one or more PCN II, PCN Baseband, or PC Cluster adapter only one adapter can have the ROM enabled. To disable the ROM on the PCN II and PCN Baseband adapter, pins 2 and 3 should be jumpered on jumper block W7 (see Figure 1). Note that this is not necessary if the additional adapter is a PCN adapter. Available Slots in the Models 30, 50, 60, and 80. When using any of these machines as dedicated external bridges attention must be given to the number of available slots in each machine. Although the external bridge software allows up to four LAN adapters to be installed, the Model 30 and Model 50 have only three available expansion slots. DOS 3.30. The new DOS 3.30 COMMIT FILE function call (68H) is not supported in the 2.01 ANET3.OBJ. This support will be included in the 2.1 release.